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Added on May 30, 2023
Summarize arXiv papers with a Chrome plug-in for quick understanding and insights.
  Browser Extension
  No Signup Required

ArxivGPT is a plug-in for Google Chrome designed to help users efficiently understand the content of arXiv papers by providing summaries and essential insights. Noteworthy features and advantages include:

  • By simply selecting, users can expedite their comprehension of a paper's main concepts and ideas.
  • Researchers, students, and those with an interest in a particular topic can all benefit from this tool.
  • ArxivGPT supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Chinese.
  • User data is exclusively used for the tool's core functionality, with no collection or sale to third parties.

Use cases for ArxivGPT involve staying well-informed and keeping up with the newest advancements in a field:

  • A valuable AI tool for individuals striving to stay updated on recent developments within their field of interest.
  • Efficiently summarizes complex papers, potentially saving time for researchers and students.

All in all, ArxivGPT is an invaluable tool for those seeking to stay knowledgeable about the latest developments in their field.

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