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Added on May 30, 2023

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Personalized chatbot for real-time website support.

Customer Support

The SupportBuddy chatbot is an AI-powered tool that enhances the visitor experience on websites by providing personalized and real-time responses.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered chatbot: Provides real-time and personalized responses to website visitors.
  • Content learning and customization: Learns website content by crawling pages and creates a customized chatbot.
  • Easy integration: Simply add one script tag to the website without the need for coding.
  • Flexible pricing plans: Offers Starter, Growth, Business, and Enterprise plans to cater to various needs.

Use Cases:

  • Elevate visitor experience: Enhance visitor engagement and satisfaction by providing real-time and personalized responses.
  • Time and resource savings: Save time and effort by utilizing SupportBuddy's customization and automation instead of building an intelligent chatbot from scratch.
  • Improve customer support: Answer frequently asked questions and provide instant assistance through the chatbot.

SupportBuddy enables website owners to optimize the visitor experience, enhance customer support, and save time and resources.

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