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Added on May 30, 2023
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Worlds most used AI content detector
Pricing: | Free |
Subcategory: | Education Assistant |
Features: | API |
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GPTZero is a detection tool powered by artificial intelligence that is specifically designed for identifying AI-generated texts. This tool is primarily aimed at educators and other users. Its key features and advantages include:
- Plagiarism score: This feature provides a comprehensive score that indicates the amount of AI-generated content present in a document.
- Highlighted sentences: GPTZero can identify individual sentences that are AI-generated, making it easier to detect such content.
- Batch uploads: Users can conveniently upload multiple files at once, which is perfect for checking the work of an entire classroom.
- API integration: GPTZero seamlessly integrates into organizational systems, allowing users to customize endpoints as per their requirements.
There are various use cases for GPTZero, particularly in educational environments:
- Educators can utilize this tool to identify AI-generated content in student work, thus preventing plagiarism.
- Organizations looking to incorporate AI text detection into their systems can benefit from GPTZero.
- Institutions seeking to maintain academic integrity in the era of AI-generated content can rely on GPTZero.
With an expanding user base and partnerships with organizations like K16 Solutions and Canvas, GPTZero is a dependable and continuously improving tool for detecting AI-generated text.
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